What is nature for a group of lions in a forest? What is habitat for the same group? Habit-forming nature or natural areas is habitat for this group of lions. Similarly for a group of Chimpanzees and a clan of forest humans. Nature is the whole area (or region) where the group of lions can move around freely; so decided by the climate and terrain. Similarly for deer and cattle. So for a rat, the rat hole and surrounding area wherein it can safely move around by sight, smell, sound etc. Consider a micro-organism living within the dusty outer layer of bark of a tree. In 1 or 2 hr. of life, it completes all its activities of growing, maturing, reproducing and decaying. It is not aware of the big tree which grows tons of leaves and fruits and lives for hundreds of years. What is 1 hr. in 4.38 million hr.(500 yr)? What is nature and habitat for this micro-organism; 1 or 2 square metres of tree bark. What is nature and habitat for the big tree? The tree is habituated to climate and type of Earth (rock, sand, clay etc.). So nature can be hundreds of square miles of Earth around. Similarly are habitats and nature for birds, worms and numerous insects and plants.
For the lion, Chimpanzee and the forest human, nature around (or habitat) is the nature-proper, deciding the innate, inherent and instinctual characteristics and behaviours. This nature is the region wherein the animals find their food (leaves, fruits and prey), water, rest and sleep in a safe place. This nature is the part of Earth where their ancestors lived for thousands of years or where they evolved naturally. So this nature is their generator/creator, nourishing mother and protector. So nature the ‘God’ is found out. This nature is part of the eco-system (or forest) where hundreds of small and big plants and animals like lions, tigers, deers, birds, worms, insects and micro-organisms like bacteria and amoeba (in millions) lived (and live) and evolved (and evolve). Put together the integrative factor is ecological balance; from each according to its capacity, to each according to its needs. Hence no over exploitation, misuse and waste. Waste foods are eaten by others or naturally recycled. How this eco-systems evolved; by light and heat from Sun, rains, winds, humidities and different soils of Earth (or by/with Sun, Earth and weathers).
To start with solar energy (different radiations from Sun) fell on Earth, during different phases of evolution of Earth’s surface. During the initial phases, unicellular life started to grow ‘innately’ on the Earth’s surface. At this stage of evolution, life and living process were innate ( fully in-nature or fully natural). This unicellular life became multicellular organisms and their communities (or colonies). Evolution continued through hundreds of millions years and ‘inherent’ organisms evolved and flourished (flourishing now also) in various regions. They lived at ‘inhere’ localities like termites, honey bees, and various bees and ants in houses of folded leaves or holes. Evolution became more organised in agreement with environment and biota and bigger and more mobile organisms formed. Evolution continued with different quadrupedal and bipedal organisms. What happened in the vegetative level was co-evolution of plants, grasses and big trees. Natural communities of plants and animals, originated, survived, flourished and are evolving by natural drives, instincts and communal living ways without any literature, arts or gods for worship. Natural worlds of animals and foresters are of communal or bonded nature and their god is nature. Thus the various primitive eco-systems of Earth were formed at different climatically appropriate places. They are called by different names, viz., mountain eco-systems, forest eco-systems, riverine eco-systems, esturine eco-systems, marine eco-systems, tropical eco-systems, temperate eco-systems, desert eco-systems, polar eco-systems etc. In all these eco-systems different animals and plants lived for hundreds of millions years and are still living, except for human desturbances, destructions and mass killings (, (
Now see the evolution of human habitats (solely). Forest humans evolved into various tribal people in different regions. Initially there were thousands of tribes and tribal myths and gods ( of creation myths). Then from tribals evolved rural people with various habits, trades and jobs like farming and agriculture. With permanency of domiciles and property, related services, agents, tradesmen, artists etc. developed. Myths, legends, folklores, music etc. became popular. Mythologies were scripted and popularised. So gods and goddesses were imaged, sculptured and worshipped and deities formed out of deification. The myth of Adam and Eve ( and Eve ) and God’s creation is well known. The myth of creator Brahma and first Manu ( of creation myths) in Indian mythology is also famous. From rural people urbanites evolved. This is comparatively modern development when the whole process of evolution through innate, inherent, instinctual/sensitive and intelligent animals and humans are considered. At present, these modern urbanites lost their evolving features and are de-evolving through urbanisation, polluting industries, consumerism and hedonism,
 Founders and followers of different religions (, lost their credibilities of faith and good living and now are human colonies driven by economic forces (market forces) rather than by human values and morals. Now there are different ‘isms’ based on ideals and ideologies formulated by different idealists, scientists and philosophers, viz., naturalists, scientists, materialists, Marxists, socialists, religionists, agnostics etc. and their different shades. To put together all popular and ideological groups of people, there are many political parties based on ideals, socio-economic policies and popular leaders. So at present we have democratic parties, liberal parties, Marxist parties, socialist parties, green parties, religious democratic parties, regional/autonomy parties etc. So religions lost their independence as moral forces. They became dependent on political groups for survival; hence religious democratic parties are formed. Now there are christian democratic parties, islamic parties, hindu religious parties and various parties with religious shades. So select one political party that has plans and policies to protect nature and natural resources and to rule the people integratively, leading to right development of all.
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